
Renegade Hacks

Date: TBD | Location: TBD

We will be hosting a Hackathon. Stay tuned for more details

Hidden Figures: STEM free movie screening

Date: 05/27/2017 | Location: Fremont Campus | Time: 6-9PM

Ohlone College's ./ComputerScience, SWE, and A^2 Pi are colaborating to bring you a free screening of the award winning film Hidden Figures. Make sure to come watch this inspiring film.

SWE Dinner

Date: 03/10/2017 | Location: Newark Campus | Time: 6-9PM

Come support Ohlone's chapter of SWE (Society of Women Engineers). Free food, and everyone is welcome.


Building up your portfolio is an important part of a computer sceintists career. We work together on projects to develop things we couldn't alone, and to build something more than a network, friendships. Come to our meetings or fork us on github.

Dot Slash


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DSCS Website

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Dot-Slash Computer Sciecne is an academic club with a concentration in community service project development. We see Ohlone as a holistic community, and work to colaborate with other the clubs just as we do with in our own club. Come by for homework help, field trips, projects, and more.


Stop by for homework help. Each meeting will have time allocated for homeowrk help. In addition, we have an active Slack channel dedicated to homework help.

Homework help


Myklu: the first president of Dot-Slash CS. Infamous for the Brain Fuck tutorial.

Wolf: the developer of Dot-Slash's first website. Also responsible for ./CS adoption of git/github and slack.

KoalaKai: ./Mascott for life.

Blackbird: Founder, President, Treasurer, ICC representitive, Alumni committee chair, and photographer.


Dot-Slash is commited to providing resources beyond projects and homework help. In the past we have taken field trips to Hurrican Electric and Netlix; as well as have guest speakers from the industry. We also coordinate events which extend to the larger community, such as the Hidden Figures Screening. Subscribe to stay up to date.


Hackathons are great. It looks great on a resume. It is a great place to network. It can be great fun. Come on and lets make something great!

Renegade Hacks

  • Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD

Join us for our first ever hackathon

Field Trips

Who didn't love field trips as a grade schooler? Club meetings aren't work, computer science is fun!


  • Date: 9/30/2016
  • Location: 48119 Warm Springs Blvd Fremont, CA 94539

Hurrican Electric

  • Date: 4/18/2016
  • Location: 760 Mission Court Fremont, CA 94539

Guest Speakers

Dot-Slash is an opportune position to supplement cs students education. One way we do that is bringing in professional perspectives. But we also encourage anyone who is interested to come for our guest speakers.

Ron Sha

The CIO scholarship fund

Dr Shankar Swamy

Community Events

Ultimately we are a part of the community. Aside from trying to develop for the community we like to reach out with events.

Hidden Figures Screening: STEM Outreach


Meetings: NC2306 4:30-6:00PM Ohlone College Newark Campus
